
Seeking inventions

“We know more than we can tell” – Michael Polanyi


September 2018

Data-Path Explained

Data-Path:   Data-Path is all about the flow of data from instruction memory to registers, ALU, Data memory, Program counter and the other components of hardware where appropriate data needs to go. Consider our 16 bit processor. We have a... Continue Reading →

16 bit single cycle processor design

Download all circuits from github Introduction:  ISA (instruction set architecture) decides how to represent an instruction of a processor in Instruction memory, how the instruction is oriented, what is the length of an instruction, in which way the instruction should... Continue Reading →

16 bit ISA (instruction set architecture)

ISA (Instruction Set Architecture)   Introduction: Instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model of computer. Our task is to design and implement an assembler for 16-bit RISC type CPU. Objective: After converting a high level programming language into assembly... Continue Reading →

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